Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Post #9
What are Gizmos?
  • Math and science interactive, online simulations
  • Grades 3 – 12
  • Fun, easy to use
  • Help develop a deep understanding of concepts through inquiry and exploration
  • Research-based, flexible tools
  • Good for small group, individual exploration, or whole class instruction using a LCD projector or interactive white board
  • Correlated to over 200 textbooks
  • Over 450 Gizmos are available online
  • You need to contact them about fees
  • Offer a 30 day free trial 

Professional Development and Training
~ Different levels of training from beginner to building a customized program with ExploreLearning assisting you
~ Online training or on-site
-          On-site:  trainer spends 6 hours training staff at you facility (I wonder about cost?)
-          Online:  8 – 12 hours over 3 weeks (No mention about cost for this one either.)

Why do Gizmos work?
The site has a list of research articles, published in a variety of journals, to support the increased success students experience when working with interactive, virtual simulations.

There are a variety of Gizmo teaching lessons you can watch, this link is to one on plant growth.

~ How to manage, adjust and troubleshoot your account
~ Area for students
~ Community sharing features to share your work with other account holders
~ Finding and using Gizmos

MY thoughts ~ this site has some amazing gizmos that would definitely aid student understanding, especially in areas of math and science.  Math and science are typically two subject areas that are more difficult for students to achieve high understanding in an enjoyable manner.  They have too many concepts that are abstract and difficult for students to envision.
My concern about this site is what they don’t tell you.  If you have to contact them about fees, how affordable is it?  The training programs don’t appear to be ‘a walk in the park’ either.  I’m thinking that this site is for the highly committed school/school district.  I don’t think it would be cost effective unless your whole staff bought into using it.
I know this site isn't along the same lines as all of my other posts, but I was intrigued by it and it was mentioned in a number of other sites I visited.  I just had to check it out.

1 comment:

Richard Schwier said...

Very wise! My alarm bells are also going off about what isn't mentioned. It feels, for all the world, like a good idea and product, but one you will pay dearly to use. Given the growing number of good math and science resources available for free on the web, I'm guessing this company may have a hard time sticking to their business plan. Not sure, but it certainly feels like it.